Monday, 1 August 2011

Can you tell what it is yet?

With all the work sorting out documents, routes and gear - not to mention the hours of reading I've been doing, things have been a little bit samey and I've been feeling the need to do something arty and creative for a change.

Recognising that the language barrier and local customs might pose a problem when out and about on my travels meeting people, I wanted some way to connect with those who might be wondering what I was up to, where I was going, and maybe even where I'd come from. In addition, I wanted to do something to mark the trip and give me something a little more permanent to look back on when the dust has settled from my travels.

This is the result:

All 11 countries are represented here, in the order I'll be visiting them

It's taken a couple of evenings to paint the sleeve thus far. I've used acrylics, sealing the paint with nothing more than a liberal spraying of deodorant; as a result, the paint should crack nicely over the leather in time. I've finished with the flags, but can't help by feel there's something missing somewhere. There are some ideas floating around though, so expect an update...

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