Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Day 12: Nancy – Luxembourg

It was gone 3am by the time I’d got settled for the night in Nancy, with departure from my hotel scheduled for ten this morning. After another good nights sleep rudely interrupted by my alarm going off a couple of hours earlier than I would have liked, I said goodbye to the picturesque city of Nancy and began the voyage north up to country number ten – Luxembourg. Number ten?! Already?

My plan was to stay in the town of Bissen today before heading over to Antwerp in Belgium tomorrow, however after such an amazing night yesterday I fancied another jaunt in a city; especially after several days of isolation riding through the mountains.

Heading to Luxembourg itself has been a great idea and with a mere 88 miles to cover I arrived just after mid-day, post navigation of road-works and subsequent traffic jams. Other than that the ride was uneventful, although the scenery reminded me a lot of the Czech Rebublic, with the hills, fields and manufacturing plants dotted around the landscape – and not to mention the heat! Riding along with my jacket half open was the only way to cope today, the cool breeze keeping me from overheating too much as I worked my way down the French motorway and into Luxembourg.

I’ve spent the last few hours exploring the city and its streets. Luxembourg is a bustling place with plenty of posh shops, a nice central square with some live music and plenty of places to eat, drink and relax. It also plays host to a veritable cornucopia of cultures and nationalities, from French and German, to Russian, Japanese and African. Whilst structurally and architecturally the newer parts of the city are nowhere near as breathtaking as the medieval city of Nancy, it still has a lot of charm and plenty to look at and admire.

Back in my hotel room now I’m going to make the most of the rest of the afternoon and early evening by catching up with some writing for the blog and maybe taking a little nap so I’m refreshed and awake for another wander into town later tonight for dinner and a couple of drinks.

Today has been exactly what I needed to properly recharge; a short trip up from France followed by a day of relaxation. Whilst I’d normally still be on the road or just getting into my destination at 4pm as I write this, I’ve had the rare luxury of pretty much a full day to myself, whilst at the same time also making it to the scheduled destination for the day.

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